Sunday, September 23, 2007


I've decided that I'm ready for fall. Today I got a glimpse of colder weather as it was probably the first day that hasn't been in the 70's, 80's or yes, even the 90's. This summer has just been so hot. I love everything about fall. I love the back-to-school atmosphere. I secretly miss being able to buy new notebooks, folders, glue, markers, pencils, and maybe even the occasional protractor, for school. When I was younger I used to match the color of my notebooks with the folders. Each subject had a certain color- I can still remember some of them (yes, I know I am a complete dork and by confessing this am becoming vunerable to being made fun of for weeks to come). Math was red, geography was green, social studies was blue and science was yellow. I even miss having to go home the first day and make book covers out of paper bags for your textbooks (do they still make kids do that?)
But even more than back-to-school, I always get excited for the fall wardrobe. There's nothing more comfy to me than your favorite pair of jeans, a hoodie sweater and boots. It's definitely my favorite outfit. And then there is the start of college football, the beautiful turning of leaves on the mountains and of course, my birthday month (October). Hooray for me!! So how can you just NOT absolutely love fall??


Alyssa said...

Oh yes, I hear you on the jeans, hoodie, and the change of seasons. And, just like you. . .I loved the beginning of school too. I miss going to some sort of book store to get the new school supplies, organizing everything. . .and yes, even the book covers. I'm right there with you!

Jeff said...

Nice Mel. I'll expect Mike to be posting about Halo soon.