Sunday, September 6, 2009

Busiest (and Best) August Ever

Yes, I know it is already half way through September and I am blogging about August. I am a little behind. But our August was so busy that I didn't have any time to do blogging, or go through the 300 pictures we took during that month. Even looking back, Mike and I can't believe how much fun we had and how much we did. Here is the rundown of our August 2009: Leiws Family Reunion in bakersfield, CA and camping in sequoias; Brian (mike's brother) in town for a weekend which involved surfing, San Francisco trip, Muir woods 2 mile hike, and yankee/A's game with the boys; Mike and I to yankee/A's game; baby shower for a good friend at my house; Mike and Tyler go to Oakland Raiders/49ers football game; family trip to santa cruz boardwalk; 5 day trip down coast which included Monterey Bay aquarium, drive along Big Sur and highway 1, Hearst Castle, and Pismo Beach; oh... and celebrating Makenzie's 5th birthday along the way. Sheesh.... I still can't believe it. We had so much fun that we have deemed this past August to be the best ever.
The boys at the Yankees game. We had so much fun with Brian that weekend trying to give him the whirlwind tour of the area.

I had a baby shower for Ashley at my house-- she is obviously very loved because a ton of people showed up. It took over an hour just to open all of the presents.

Tyler at the Raiders/49ers game

I LOVE this picture!! Look at the terror on Makenzie and Tyler's face. The funny thing is that both the kids had to convince me to go on it... I don't particularly like wet rides. And then they were the ones screaming on the way down.

I can't believe how big Austin is now. He is standing up and trying to take steps and full on crawling. He is still mostly a happy baby but is EVERYWHERE! He's already starting to get into trouble.

On Makenzie's birthday, we went to one of our favorite spots: the Monterey Bay Aquarium. And because most of the other schools were already started and it was a weekday--- there was hardly anyone there. Here they are petting the sting rays.

austin and I

These two are still best friends......... most of the time.

Love this picture -- this aquarium has some seriously HUGE tanks full of fish.

Our attempt at a family photo-- Austin is too squirmy.

I can't believe my little girl is already 5 years old and in kindergarten. I still imagine her as being my little 2 year old. She is such a sweet girl... happy and just kind of goes with the flow most of the time. She was sooo excited to eat dinner at Chili's and have a whole bunch of people she didn't know sing to her.

We took Highway 1 through Big Sur and down the coast and it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!
We got out probably every 10-15 minutes to stop at a turnout to take more pictures because around every curve was another view that took our breath away.

Need I say more????

The kids and I (and Makenzie's horse that came everywhere with us on this trip, I mean, cmon... how can you say no to that sweet smile?)

An unusual picture of Austin....... holding still for more than a second.

We played at two different beaches over the course of our 5 day trip. One in Cambria where we were staying and one at Pismo Beach. We all went boogie boarding and had so much fun.... except when I got hit by a huge wave which knocked the board right into my face, turned me upside down so I didn't know which way was up, and left me rag-dolled with a bloody nose. I thought I was going to die for a split-second. That was at the Cambria beach and on our way out we saw the sign that said there were unusually big waves and a strong rip current and it wasn't the best place for surfing......... ya think?? Why did we have to figure that out the hard way?

this bird did not move and the kids were close enough they could touch it. Bizarre-- (and yes.. it was alive)

One of our day trips was to the Hearst Castle. We could not believe this place... talk about fancy.

Look at that pool behind us.... CRAZY!

Playing at Pismo beach. Austin kept booking it right towards the water. I think he will be a "fish" just like Makenzie and Tyler and love going swimming.
Playing in the ocean

Makenzie's attempt at making a "bird bath". unfortunately for her, no birds used it.
she couldn't figure out why.

Finally.. mike convince the kids to try boogie boarding and they loved it.

This is one of my favorite pictures of the entire vacation. There has always been something I've loved about the Pacific coast. I love the layers of waves and the sound of the ocean.. it is so relaxing and peaceful to me. And with the surfer and pier in the background and the sun going down... ...... aaahhh. Love it!


Angie Lewis said...

Wow, you guys have been busy! I love all the pics and I'm so glad to finally see an update...Jonny was commenting on your blogging slacker-ness the other day! :) Glad you guys had so much fun! :)

Kimberlee said...

Oh yeah....whatever Mel. We went to Lagoon this summer!

Cheri said...

Ok, those pictures of Big Sur are amazing!! Can you believe we still haven't done it??

neuroticmom said...

You seriously live in the coolest place. boogie boarding is my favorite (and my boys). We are going to come out an visit soon. I really want to drive Big Sur now. And Josh is dying to see the Redwoods.

neuroticmom said...

Seriously, maybe this fall? Can we camp out on your floor?

HeatherD said...

Jealousy doesn't even begin to describe it. You were just very successful in convincing me how boring my life is. :) How fun for you guys. Ty looks so big. I need to come out now. Miss you guys!

Halladay said...

I love your pictures! Your kids are so cute! What a fun summer!!

Sarah said...

I'm exhausted just reading your list of things you did. Sounds like fun, though. Awesome pics, Mel.

. . . sigh. . .

Laura said...

Itsn't this a fun place to live!!! We did a lot of those places when my family came to visit and it really is so gorgeous! We went on our honeymoon to monterey and the area and ry still wants to retire here (when we're millionars of course!) Anyway, it was so fun seeing you!!! we nede to get together...though it is still sad that I don't have someone for the older kids to play with...we'll have to meet up somewhere fun for them! keep in touch!