Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Annual Droubay Halloween Party

Every year we get together with all of Mike's siblings and his parents to have a Halloween party and carve pumpkins. This year Makenzie dressed up as snow white.

Here's Tyler in his spiderman costume. He is so skinny and the extra muscles on the spiderman costume make his legs look even skinnier.

Mike carving his pumpkin.

Kathy, my mother-in-law, and I


Anonymous said...

I love this post. I thought that the Halloween party was a lot of fun this year. Your kids looked so cute. I especially thought Kenz looked sooo cute as a Snow White with her hair all pulled up. I love the picture of you and Kathy. You both look so nice in it. I am sad because the soonest that we will all probably see each other is Thanksgiving. :0( I love that this blog thing helps keep me updated on what is going on with you guys.

jodi said...

Your kids look so cute in their costumes...

Jeff said...

Hey guys. Good to see you Sunday. You are tagged. See our blog for details.