Tuesday, November 27, 2007


So I've been tagged -actually it was quite a while ago that Jeff "tagged" Mike and I. I guess this means I have to write 6 facts or habits of mine and then tag 6 other people. So here goes:
1) I love to organize!! I hate clutter. Every once in a while I get in an organizing mood and will organize all of our closets or drawers or shelves. When I was in New York City this summer, I loved organizing all of Maline and Alan's closets and kids shelves. I don't know why but I just love the feeling when everything is where its supposed to be.

2) I eat way too fast. I blame it completely on being raised in a big family with 4 brothers who ate as fast as they could. If I didn't join them, I wouldn't have gotten anything to eat growing up. It doesn't bother me that much, except when other people notice or when I make a really nice dinner that takes me an hour or two to make and then only 10 minutes for Mike and I to finish eating. I will admit- I do love food though, especially chocolate and brownies. In fact I work out just so that I can eat what I want .

3) I don't like slow drivers. I don't mind if they are going the speed limit but when they are going like 10 mph less than the speed limit for no apparent reason, I mean... c'mon people. I do like to drive a bit on the fast side although I have slowed down immensely since I've had kids. I used to always be speeding. I also hate when people are going extra slow in the fast lane and won't move to the other lanes even though there is no one in them. I know, this might be a little harsh. But it's just how I feel. Fast lane is for fast cars.

4) My least favorite chore is grocery shopping. It seems to always be a 2 hour ordeal. First you have to go to the store and go up and down every single aisle (I always have my kids with me too which means it takes twice as slow). Then you have to checkout and buy everything. Then you have to tote everything to your car and then carry it into your house and then finally put everything away. By the time I'm done, I'm usually so exhausted that I don't want to go again for another week or two.

5) My favorite book is Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. I'm sure most of you have read it and if you haven't, shame on you. I am in love with Edward, the vampire. We read it for book club about a year or so ago and there were those of us who absolutely loved it and some that really didn't. Apparently, their Edward isn't as good looking as my Edward. I am anxiously awaiting for the 4th book in the series to come out. Unfortunately, it won't be coming out until August of 2008. My second favorite book is These is my Words, by Nancy E. Turner.

6) My favorite movies are Field of Dreams, Pride and Prejudice (the new one), and the Notebook.

I am tagging Jodi and Jaclyn from work, my sister-in-law Angie, my brother Jon, and my friend Alyssa.

1 comment:

Debra said...

Thanks for tagging Jodi, she tagged me and now I have to spill my guts! jk! I love the blog and reading about your life. I miss you! Happy Holidays! May your days be Merry and your receipts be organized!