Thursday, September 25, 2008

Missing Utah

I'm proud to say that up to this point I haven't gotten too homesick for Utah. I don't mean to say that I haven't missed friends and family a lot because of course I've missed you all. But this summer was pretty nice with going to the beach and the boardwalk and 80 degree weather versus the hot and dry 100 degrees weather I would have had in Utah. But now.... I'm not so sure anymore. Fall is my favorite season of all. I look forward to it all year long- when I can put on my jeans and boots and a sweater for the first time; when I see the mountains turn red and orange; or that first night out when your nose and ears get red from the cold. I look forward to those things and according to me they should be happening soon and they aren't. It's still been 80 degrees here every day. I can't even force myself to get out my fall decorations because I just don't feel like it's fall. So I'm sitting here now wishing I could be back in Utah for a few months to really enjoy my favorite season of the year.

A few more pictures of me and the kids


Chris said...

I know you prbably don't feel it, but you are so cute pregnant! When my family moved to Southern CA, the thing I missed most was the fall. I did not miss the snow, but the leaves changing,I missed that. We had trees in our yard, and every year they would turn brown one week in November and then all fall off that same week. It was a great week.

HeatherD said...

Oh, that is so sad. I never thought about the fall thing. Fall and spring are my most favorite seasons. We will have to collect some leaves and send them your way. You look amazing.

Cheri said...

I missed it slightly last year, but then a lot of the trees here changed dramatically and I didn't really miss too much after all! It's not nearly as pretty as in Utah (or in New England in our case) but we still get a bit of it without the frost and cold temps.

Angie Lewis said...

Oh, I love the fall too...sorry you'll miss it...maybe next fall you can come visit us! :) I'm pretty sure in a few months we'll be jealous of your California weather when we're suffering in the freezing snow!

neuroticmom said...

Fall really is the best thing about Utah. You'll be feeling differently in February though.

Sarah said...

I definitely agree with the joy from sweater wearing. I must say, however, that although I love the cold and colder weather of fall and early winter, on January 2 I'm ready for Spring.

Utah and the Tooele Droubays miss you too! We'll try to enjoy Balderdash without you--maybe Opa will come up with one of his GREAT definitions in your honor.

Laura said...

You are such a cute pregnant mom!!! I love all the pics and your tummy is adorable! Though I would have to disagree on the weather! I'm LOVING this 80 degree weather instead of the cold coming so fast! I look forward to spring every year when I can throw the sweater in a box and take out my flip flops!! (yet, those mountains are gorgeous if you don't actually have to go outside in the cold:)!)

Alyssa said...

I tagged you on my blog.

Unknown said...

It was great seeing Mike. We missed seeing you and the kids. I'm hoping to find a way to visit the mission in your area. It might happen the first part of next year.

Ryan, Jaina, Austin & Keeton said...

I can sympathize with the missing utah thing. I want to call up my friends and family to come over and hang out, or to go and do something, but the only friend I have here works the opposite schedule from me so she can watch my kids while I work, so we don't get to hang out very often. I am glad you have had a lot of fun little excursions this summer, and the baby will sure enjoy your mild winter. You look amazing, as always, good luck with the delivery!