Saturday, February 14, 2009

8 Things about Me

Here are the Rules:
1) Post rules on your blog
2) Answer the six '8' items
3) Let each person know by leaving them a comment

8 Favorite TV shows
1. LOST ( my favorite by far)
2. American Idol
3. The Office (sooo funny)
4. The Bachelor
5. Designed to Sell
6. Extreme Home Makover (I always cry)
7. Headline News (I know... I'm a dork- but I watch this all the time)
8. The Suze Orman show

8 Things I did Yesterday
1. Went to three different grocery stores to get the best "deals"
2. Took Makenzie to a valentine's tea party
3. Attended ward temple night with Mike
4. Dropped off and picked up Tyler from school
5. Changed 6 diapers
6. Took a bubble bath
7. Cleaned the house
8. Went to bed way too late

8 Things I'm looking forward to
1. Disneyland with Jeff and Amy in 3 weeks- HOORAY!!
2. Droubay Family Reunion at Bear Lake
3. Getting back into prepregnancy shape so I can go clothes shopping
4. Angie and Jon coming to visit in may
5. Summer so I can take the kids to the beach every week
6. Austin sleeping through the night
7. Eating chocolate again
8. Scrapbooking again someday.....

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Cheesecake Factory
2. Cafe Rio (I miss you)
3. Macaroni Grill
4. Texas Roadhouse
5. Blue Bayou (at disneyland)
6. P.F. Changs
7. Chili's
8. Cafe Rio ( I still miss you)

8 Things on my wish list
1. A caribbean vacation- just me and my hubby
2. Adobe Photoshop
3. A new wardrobe
4. A big pan of yummy gooey fudgy brownies
5. A master bedroom set and new bedding
6. A new couch
7. A piano
8. Scuba diving lessons

8 People I tag
1. Kimber
2. Amy D.
3. Heather
4. Kim
5. Angie
6. Alyssa
7. Cheri
8. Mike


Alyssa said...

Fun tag. . . I also have the master bedroom set with new bedding wish, and the new wardrobe list. And the pre-pregnancy shape list. . ha. Although, I'm starting to accept that 2 years post pregnancy that's isn't going to happen. ha. Oh well!

neuroticmom said...

jeff and i just barely started watching LOST. We borrowed season one from our neighbors. It is scary!

Chris said...

I wish I could send Cafe Rio to you. You guys look so cute in your pictures in the last post. I love the family picture. Austin is so stinking cute. I can't wait to see him in real life. You look amazing. Not at all like you just had a baby.

neuroticmom said...

....and I ate Cafe rio twice in the last three days, Ha! Just getting you back for rubbing it in about your warm weather:)

HeatherD said...

This is Brian. I really need to get my own ID. The Suze Orman show? That is seriously, seriously messed up. Tell Mig I ordered his B-day present tonight. It's a shot in the dark. It should get there within at least a month of his B-day. Ha, ha, ha.

Kristin Ann said...

Melanie, I'm Kristin, I don't know if we've actually met, but I saw your family's name on Laura's blog, and thought I would say hi. I'm in the primary, so I don't socialize too much at church, except for with the 11 and under :) by the way, your kids are too cute. Hope you had a happy Valentines!