Sunday, February 1, 2009

Back home again

We were able to bring Austin home this morning. They diagnosed him with pneumonia in his left lung but because he wasn't wheezing anymore and his temperature had returned to normal they let us go home with oral antibiotics. We are so glad to have him back home with us and to have him detached from his IV and wires. Plus, it is just in time to have his blessing although we are going to do it at home instead of bringing him to church. Thank you for all of your prayers in our behalf.

Austin's hospital bed and room - it was a LONG 36 hours.

Austin was so squirmy that they had to double tape everything. He kept trying to suck on his right hand and would just end up hitting himself in the face. Poor guy!!


Jaclyn said...

So sorry he was sick. I didn't even know it. I am so glad he is back home with you. That would be really hard to see your baby sick like that. Keep us posted on how he is doing.

Thomas family said...

I am sorry that your baby was so sick. I am glad you are home it stinks being stuck in the hospital with a sick baby. If you ever need to talk give me a call..

maline said...

this breaks my heart! I would have been a mess! I hope you are all doing better! What a sweet little guy.. Give him loves from us!

Kimberlee said...

Oh my gosh I don't check the blog for a few days and all heck breaks lose. I've been trying to call you guys. Call me for pete's sake.
Love to Austin.

Unknown said...

Glad he's home, poor guy. We had Maddy in the hospital when she was little hooked up to IVs and the like. It was horrible. Hope he's better soon!

Melissa said...

So glad he is home. Jack had pneumonia when he was a baby and it was the longest 3 days when he was in the hospital. So glad Austin is feeling better.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you were so aware of him and that he got the help he needed in the hospital. I hope he keeps getting better, sick little kids just make you feel so bad and want to help them so much.

Alyssa said...

Oh man, I'm so sorry... I feel your pain. Chase is recovering from pnemonia as well. After a week of high fever's (104!!), coughing I decided to take him in on Friday and sure enough they found some pnemonia in his left lung. He is doing so much better now. Thank goodness for modern medicine! Although, having a baby with it is way scary! I hope you are doing okay. It's so wearing on a mom when you have a child that is that sick!

Unknown said...

I am so glad that he
is better, you had me

neuroticmom said...

Me too! I haven't checked your blog for a couple days and OH MY GOSH!!!!! I'm so sorry about all of that. I'm glad you took him right into the Emergency room. How scary! I am so glad he is back home now and okay. We will definitely keep him in our prayers. Call me or email when you get a second.

neuroticmom said...

Me too! I haven't checked your blog for a couple days and OH MY GOSH!!!!! I'm so sorry about all of that. I'm glad you took him right into the Emergency room. How scary! I am so glad he is back home now and okay. We will definitely keep him in our prayers. Call me or email when you get a second.

dersley said...

Melanie. So sorry to here Austin was sick, but glad he is doing better. He is very lucky to have such a great nurse to take good care of him.

Laura said...

So so sorry he had to get so sick!! Hospitals are NO place for little ones! I'm glad it wasn't RSV but pneumonia isn't so fun either. I'm glad he was taken care of and that you are back home--that night must have been so scary when he was lethargic!! I didn't check your blog till today so sorry I didn't know last week but I'll pray that he stays well and good luck with the blessing at home--I think that would be very special!